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Wednesday, October 18, 2006 | 1:10 PM
helllloooooooo just had dinner with gerald, dawn n marcus at this really weird restaurant at extension.. don't really know how this place sustains itself cos it was empty save for the four of us... but the food was ok la not too bad.. it was just.. weird. will try to post pictures when i'm not too lazy to take the photos out from my phone.. had fish head curry which was ok i think.. i'm not so much of a fish head fan so i wouldn't know.. had scallops and prawn paste chicken as well.. it was an.. entertaining dinner.. my phone was left pretty much alone which was good =) anyway seeing that i went out of school, no surprise that was asked to buy stuff back.. thats all ok and good cos i dun mind it anyway.. its just when ppl are unappreciative and don't understand that getting ppl to buy stuff for them is actually a favour.. but no worries if u'd asked me to buy stuff this is not aimed at u cos i think the ones i'm referring to won't read this anyway.. no word of thanx.. rather, it was a "where were you?" in an exasperated and slightly pissed tone nonetheless. well no matter.. friends constantly get pissed at one another anywayz. i won't feel quite so irritated in an hour or so.. the dreaded exams are drawing nearer. just discussed with qianyi winnie n shuwen the first paper that was posted for cell bio.. wooooo... after looking at the past yr paper.. i realise that we indeed DO have our work cut out for us... boooooooooooooooo wish me luck! i'm gonna read yet another cell bio paper again... -_- seeya! |