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Saturday, February 25, 2006 | 3:06 PM
ALAS! the term break is over! lets all grieve together over the impending exams.. *boohoo* well. WAT A WEEK i must say.. monday was a day of cleaning the room and washing the ton of clothes that i have to wash in hall... i cleaned the loo too! tuesday was a day of IES BOWL! wat a lousy average i bowled. but ah well, i AM out of practice so i kinda deserved it.. had a karaoke session as well after bowling.. although i didn't really enjoy myself as karaoke is generally not my thing but having good friends as company sure helped a whole lot! =) tuesday was really a good day and it truly felt like a holiday... the rest of the days however... wednesday was a day of ULTIMATE GROUCHINESS cos i had so little sleep! due to a certain 306 report that i had absolutely no idea how to do.. went grocery shopping with weimin and leonard in the morning for steamboat at night and realised that these dudes have no sense of quantity when shopping for food! (well i guess since i didn't stop them i kinda have no sense of quantity either *teehee*) anyway had a bit of a discussion for the JCRC performance after shopping and finishing off my report.. then we had STEAMBOAT! hurray. got to know the JCRC dudes a lot better! (well maybe got to know them a tad too much.. *eeks*) thursday.. was a day of doing 1/10 of my assignment and slacking the rest of the day away.. plus a night out at GothamPenthouse where i got to know my JCRC guys a whole lot more! *winks+cheeky smile* today. today i waited for 2 whole hours for a superly anticipated consultation that lasted a grand total of 5 minutes -_- then ended off the day with BK dinner with ZiHui! lovely. end to a time-wasting day. also uncovered lots of information and my opinions of some people have changed drastically as well.. for the one of whom i now think is too conceited for my liking: i hope ur head grows too big to get out of the door. *growl* anyhow.. have to go now.. needa do the rest of the 9/10 of my assignment.. tata! |